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Exposition Flaneur

Exposition Flaneur en duo avec le photographe Jens Masmann, organisée par à Lisbonne, Portugal.

The dice are thrown

When I visit a city for the  first time, it’s like reading a novel. I need to familiarize myself with the characters and scenery. I hate to know about a place before I experience it myself. I am a gamer.

I try to open all my senses to listen to the City and its people. My attention is attracted by details.
It’s like I can’t look at the whole, but I have to approach piece by piece. What in the end creates an entity in an own way, like a completely new place which could be anywhere, real or just in imagination.
I love to shift people in my parallel world. Similar but different. Distorted reality. A sort of Alice in Wonderland, I guess.
Lisbon was a wonderful host. It offered me all its poetry through its colors, its textures, its people.
All the efforts – physical, because of Lisbon ́s special geography, as well as intellectual due to communication and grasping the rules – to get its treasures made me feel special at the end of the day when the harvest was good and I could get a magic picture. As an evidence.

Every evening, Jens and I had the chance to tell each other about the treasures found during the day. So a lonesome work became a game which naturally made us mix our visions. It was so interesting to realize that such different techniques, such different approaches of dealing with the subject of a City, could be mixed enriching our work with an other dimension.

Next step was to play with the concept of Flâneur exhibition cubes.
The last characters of our experience will be the future visitors. We hope we will succeed to share our pleasure in being part of Lisbon for a while.

9 juillet

Exposition Elles aussi au Silo

7 octobre